If you aren’t aware, Vogue has recently re-released the DVF Wrap Dress pattern and I just had to get it. It has not, and apprently, won’t go on sale. This means that I paid full price for this pattern. Yes, shocker. I don’t usually purchase patterns at full price and always wait for the sales, but I had to get this pattern.
I made this dress as part of my partnership with Fabric Mart Fabrics. I guest post on their blog every other first of the month. Since my post came out April 1st, I decided this was going to be my birthday dress since it’s my birthday month! I’ve decided to celebrate with all of you by hosting a giveaway!

Fabric Mart sent me two haberdashery bundles and I’ve decided to give one away to one of you. What is haberdashery you say? In the US it means men’s clothing and accessories. In the UK, it means small items used in sewing, such as buttons, zippers, thread and notions.

To enter the giveaway is super simple. Head on over to my Fabric Mart blog post HERE. Leave a comment on the post (please leave your name is posting annoymous) and make sure you’re following @fabricmart and me @soveryjo over on Instagram. Plus, you get to see more pics of my dress and what my favs were of the haberdashery are.
Until next time!
Oh, PS – South Florida Frocktails is in 10 days!!! There’s still time to grab your ticket HERE!