I can’t even believe that it is really about to be 2019. I’ve come to look forward to the Instagram #2018BestNine line up. It’s pretty cool to be able to look back at my followers favorites. So, lets get started.
1. McCall’s 7833 – I made this dress for Diner en Blanc Miami this year. I made view C and obviously you guys like to see me in dresses! This was the first fitted dress I’ve made in a long time. This year I got serious about my fitness again and have lost 28 lbs and counting! You can read my write up about my white dress HERE.
2. Kyrzayda Rodriguez – I started following Kyrzayda on Instagram a few years ago. Her style and aura was and still is captivating. I enjoyed watching her IG stories and reading her blog posts. I felt like I knew her personally. I could relate to her because she was an amazing fashion influencer and she was a beautiful Dominican woman. She shared with all of us selflessly and my heart stopped when she revealed that she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. She shared her good days and bad and fought like I’ve never seen anyone fight before. She was upbeat and full of faith that God would take care of her. I was heartbroken when she passed and cried like I had lost a sister. I miss her dearly. You can see one of her last and still ever inspiring IG stories HERE . I was able to save this post from @mikahmiller on Instagram. This photo of her is perfect. She’s our angel.

3. Bruges Bomber Jacket – pattern by Kommatia Patterns – Can I tell you how much I love this jacket and I’m so glad you all did too. This was my very first jacket and it won’t be my last. This amazing fabric was purchased in Paris by my very good friend Stephanie. I saved it up for something special and I’m so glad I did. You can read all about my Bruges Bomber Jacket HERE.
4. Double Sided Sparkle Sequins – This gorgeous double sided black and silver sequins fabric can be purchased at Michael Levine HERE and IT’S ON SALE!! OMG. I didn’t need to know that. Apparently their sequins is currently 30% off. (I might need to order some. shhh) I made Simplicity 8394 as part of my fashion 3rd place winning look at the Mimi G’s 6th Annual Fashion, Sewing and Style Conference. (Unfortunately, that was the last conference) You can read all about it HERE.
5. McCall’s 7632 – This sweet little number was a franken pattern dress I made using McCall’s 7632 view D bodice and a self drafted skirt. I made this dress to attend my brother-in-law’s wedding this summer in Virginia. It was absolutely perfect. You can read all about it HERE.

6. McCall’s 7833 – Here I am again in my amazing white dress. So, #7833 was part of October’s Sew Your View pattern for October of this year. You can find a monthly sew along hosted by @thatssomonica over at @sewyourview. Sew, my goal for 2019 is to participate in more sew alongs. I always love the patterns chosen for the month, but life always gets in the way. If you’re looking for another sew along, you can also follow @prettygirlssew .
7. The night I met my husband – Who says you can’t find love in the club? I did! I met my husband at a club on 1/22/05, which was his birthday. I saw him walk in and I just new I had to meet him. I was 29 at the time and had been in a 10 year failed relationship and had done my fair share of online dating. By this point in my life I had been done with kissing frogs and getting duds. I was done looking for love and he walked right into my life. He looked so sharp in his blazer and jeans and Timberland boots. I just knew he wasn’t from Florida. I told my girls “You see him, I’m going to meet him tonight!” This was totally not me, but I was not going to let him pass me by. I made sure to make my way over to him and it worked! We ended up talking and dancing all night long. He waited the standard “3 day rule” and finally called me. We’ve been inseparable since and just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary on 12/27/18! Check out my IG post HERE where you can check out more photos of our love story.
8. Self drafted gown – Do you have a friend who thinks that you can make anything? Well, I do. My friend Stephanie, along with my Husband, is one of my biggest supporters. She showed me a picture of her vision for a gown and I went to work with less then two week so make this. I self drafted the bodice using one of her tank tops and I used McCall’s 7683 for the skirt portion. Her dress was a hit at the Gala she attended in Boston and she looked stunning! You can see more photo’s HERE.
9. Self drafted flutter top dress – I actually made this dress in 2/17 but reposted this year as part of a #tbt post. You guys loved it! I used Mimi G’s Flutter Top FREE tutorial and I made it into a dress. As I mentioned on my Instagram post, I need to make another one because I gave this one away. I actually have one almost done. Just need to attach the flutter top. Stand by for more of that in 2019 because you know, life gets in the way.
So, these were my IG #2018bestinnine. I was actually holding off on getting my best in nine results because I was really trying to make something else before the year ended, but you know….life! 2018 was an amazing sewing year for me. I’ve really stepped out of my comfort zone and created more garments this year than I ever have before. I was featured in 3 magazine publications and I’m already working on 2019.
I want to thank all my followers who follow me and allow me to share all of my DIY creations. As my sewfriend Tabitha Sewer said, from www.tabithasewer.com, “We are gonna ELEVATE you in 2019!” Here is to total elevation and leveling up in 2019!
Til 2019 Love always,