Visiting beach during pandemic

4 Tips For Visiting the Beach During a Pandemic

We are now in what feels like day 1 million for those of us still working from home and just hunkering down during these uncertain times. I have been that person that has only gone out when absolutely neccessary and there have really been no trips of leisure going on over here. We’ve even switched to ordering our groceries online and doing curbside pick up where they bring your groceries to your car and put them in your trunk.

All of this self isolation has really gotten to your girl. I’ve gone from regulary excersing, drinking my water and minding my business to having my anxiety being at an all time high and just feeling like i’m spiraling out of control. I needed to do something ASAP.

Beach in South Florida

I started to do some research and decided that we were going to take a trip to the beach. Now, I KNOW what you’re thinking. Sis, don’t you live in South Florida? Aren’t you all the Corona epicenter? The answer is yes, BUT I am here to tell you that is possible to safely go to the beach during a pandemic. Continue reading and I’ll share with you my 4 Tips For Visiting the Beach During a Pandemic. These are listed in no particular order and I feel that I must also add a disclaimer here. I am NOT saying that if you follow these rules and go to the beach that you won’t get Covid-19. I am not a medical professional and I suggest you follow all State, Local and CDC guidelines. Ok, now that I got that out of the way, lets get in to it.

Get There Early

Have you ever heard the saying the early bird gets the worm? Well, the same thing applies to many things in life, including going to the beach during Covid-19. If you get to the beach early, it is less likely to be packed with other beach goers. The kids are home, people might be on vacation and sleep in. Well, guess what, you’ll beat all these sleepy heads to the beach! We got there way later then I wanted to which was at about 10 am. It wasn’t crowed at all. There was plenty of space for everyone to have way more then just 6 feet of social distancing.

View of Beach in Fort Lauderdale

Go During the Week

Most people still have to work during the week, so that is the perfect time to go! I would suggest going earlier during the week also. I would suggest going Tuesday – Thursday. People are most likely to take Friday and Monday’s off from work to make it a long weeked. By people, I mean me. lol

Sitting on beach
I took this shot to show you how there is no one behind me

Don’t Go To Popular Spots

I live in South Florida and even though we are in the middle of a pandemic, people are still getting on planes and traveling. Tourist normally stick to tourist hot spots like South Beach or Fort Lauderdale Beach. If you’ve watched the news, you would never know that there are supposed to be restrictions in place at these tourist locations. It’s like nothing ever happened. For this very reason I would suggest finding a spot that not everyone else is going to. Don’t go to Fort Lauderdale Beach. Go either further north or further south from the main entrance to the beach. This is where everyone else is going to go. Most folks that don’t know any better will make it east to where the beach is and look for the 1st avaibale parking area and go. If you go out a little further then where most folks are willing to go, you may find a less populated area and will be able to enjoy your visit to the beach in peace.

Fish in Water
Fish in Water

Stay Close to Home

I would suggest going to the beach if you live close by. I’m not saying packing up the whole fam and road tripping it. Now, if this is what you’re doing, I’m not knockin it. Do what you feel is right for you and yours. For me, my son has not left the house to go anywhere since March 13th, 2020. The only place this poor child has gone is outside on the golf course to take photos of me for my blog. Staying local will minimize the amount of times you need to get out of the car and be around other folks. We went straight to the beach and made no stops and came back home.

Diving in the ocean in Fort Lauderdale

We had an amazing time and I am so happy we went. My son had the best time and it felt so good to see him be so happy and enjoying the ocean and the sun. We needed this so much. I just wanted to share my tips of going to the beach during a pandemic to show you that it is possible. If you do decide to go, again, please me safe and follow your local guidelines.

Utnil next time,


Playing in the ocean with my son
Sitting on the beach in fort lauderdale

06 comments on “4 Tips For Visiting the Beach During a Pandemic

  • Talisha , Direct link to comment

    Awesome tips! I live 30 miles from the beach have been there to visit twice since this pandemic. I plan to go back in a couple of weeks because that is the safest way for me to feel like we have been able to enjoy our summer without taking big risks. Thank you for sharing!!

    • Johanna , Direct link to comment

      Thank you. So glad I could share. That’s not such a long drive. Sounds like you have a plan to keep your sanity and enjoy your summer as best you can.

  • Anna Marie , Direct link to comment

    Thanks for Sharing cause Chile I was wondering how you pulled this off lol 😂

    • Johanna , Direct link to comment

      Very stratigically. lol I was ready to turn around if it wasn’t going to work out. I’m not playing out in these streets!

  • DommiesBlessed💕 , Direct link to comment

    Thanks for sharing Johanna! Our family does the same – go to the beach during the week and found it to not be crowded at all. I’m happy you and your son got to enjoy the ocean and sun!!

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